Monday, November 15, 2010

Our Class Wiki - So Far

In my wiki’s work, the topic that I work on is “How business is using social networking.” The reason that I picked this title is first, social networking becomes so popular nowadays. The most famous social networking sites include Facebook, MySpace and Twitter. There is large amount of people participate in those social networking sites, and I am one of its users. Secondly, as rapidly development of technology, social networking sites adopted by wide range of people. Not only individuals participated in those social networking sites, as well as companies. They become useful tools for companies to interact their customers. I have edited under the subtitle of “social networking and business connection” which I focus on Twitter. Twitter is one of social networking sites that adopted by many companies. The example that I gave is AT&T, which AT&T use Twitter to update company’s information in real time. I also have edited under the subtitle of “Disadvantages of the Social Networking Era.” I have pointed out two disadvantages. One is many employers’ use social networking sites to monitor their employees’ daily activities and check their backgrounds. Another one is using social networking sites, there is a risk for companies attack by virus such as spam, phishing and malware. Under the subtitle of “Facebook,” I describe how Facebook becomes a good platform for companies to communicate with their customers and answer their questions right the way. I also introduce new feature that developed by Facebook called “Beacon”, which send out the messages other Facebook members when Facebook user made purchase online automatically. In this way, companies can advertise their products to other people.

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