Monday, October 18, 2010

Tweet Experience

Twitter, BB Discussion Board and in-class discussion all of them are present in different ways of communication. Twitter and BB Discussion are doing communication through online, and in-class discussion is doing communication face-to-face. I think in-class discussion provides most clear communication. We can ask or response directly and we also can add body language and face expression through our communication in order to make our sentences more clear. Twitter and BB Discussion are similar to each other. BB Discussion is more like blog, we can post our thought, feeling, questions and answers through BB Discussion. There is no limitation on how long we can write or how many characters we can post. Unlike BB Discussion, Twitter has limitation on the characters we can post which is 140 characters. It is more like conversation. I think twitter is freer than the BB Discussion Board and in-class discussion. What I feel is the things that we talk about in BB Discussion Board and in-class discussion are more close to the class work because the impression that both give to me is they are relative to school work. I will talk more formal in BB Discussion Board and in-class discussion, but not in Twitter. Twitter is kind of social communication which we can talk whatever we want. Our though, our feeling and even our complains. It is more about daily activities.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your points. Especiall you wrote "I think in-class discussion provides most clear communication. We can ask or response directly and we also can add body language and face expression through our communication in order to make our sentences more clear." In class participation, we can explain our idea better. Blog discussion might not express our ideas as clear as class participation due to the the writer's writing skill or due to the reader's reading ability.
